Explore THFOnline's tennis themed challenges we've served up to keep you entertained...

"I’m very excited about today’s launch of our "Wimbledon Fortnight Outreach Challenges” on the Tim Henman Foundation Online.  I hope the launch of #THFOnline2020’s virtual outreach programme is making a significant difference to the lives of many families, employees and teachers."

Tim Henman

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The Big String Challenge from


As part of the Wimbledon fortnight, we're challenging each other to make a tennis racket out of materials you can easily find at home! How strong will your racket be? View the video here and download the PDF for the full instructions.

Watch the video and download the instructions here.

When you're done, show us your big string challenge on social media using #THFonline2020.

The 20 Second On The Edge Challenge


Join Tim Henman in the "20 Second On The Edge" Challenge! Watch Tim's instructions here along with his own attempt at the challenge, and have a go yourself at home - how many can you do in 20 seconds?!

Show us how you get on with your 20 Second On The Edge challenge by posting your attempt on social media using #THFonline2020 - if you beat Tim he'll try to beat you!

Tim's Stats


Flat Side


Both Sides


On The Edge

Can You Beat Tim?Post Your Attempt and Get Close! #THFOnline2020

Watch Will Bayley Trying The 20 Second On The Edge Challenge!

Will's Stats


Flat Side


Both Sides


On The Edge

The Catch With A Twist Challenge


Join Tim Henman in the "Catch With A Twist" Challenge! Watch Tim's instructions here along with his own attempt at the challenge, and have a go yourself at home!

Show us how you get on with your Catch With A Twist challenge by posting your attempt on social media using #THFonline2020

The Case Of The Disappearing Tennis Balls


Magic Marco is here to show you how to perform a puzzling case of the disappearing tennis balls for Wimbledon, so you can try it at home! Watch the video here to see how it's done.

When you're done, show us your own disappearing tennis ball trick on social media using #THFonline2020.

The Blowing Bal🎾bles Challenge


Sublime Science are challenging you to keep a tennis ball in the air without a racket! How will you use science to keep the tennis ball up? Watch the video here to get some ideas!

Show us your scientific solution to keep tennis balls in the air on social media using #THFonline2020.

The Tennis Art Challenge


The #TennisBallArtChallenge is taking place during what would have been the 2020 Wimbledon Championships from 29 June – 12 July and has been designed to encourage children to get creative and active, improving their health and wellbeing whilst having fun. The rules are simple. All children need to do is incorporate tennis balls, painted or otherwise, into a piece of outdoor art. The artwork could purely consist of tennis balls or could utilise berries, leaves, grass, stones, pebbles, bark, branches, greenery and petals. The only limit is their imagination. There’s no restriction on the size of their artwork but they must be able to take a photo of it. Photo’s should then be uploaded to Instagram with the hashtag #TennisBallArtChallenge and #THFOnline2020. Environmental artist James Brunt will select a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place piece of artwork. All winners will have their artwork featured on the THFOnline website. Good luck!

Another activity for you to watch during the Wimbledon Fortnight...

The Serving Lamb Bake Off Challenge

Watch The Bake Off Challenge Here

The Being A Champion Challenge


Wimbledon makes champions every year, so we're challenging you to think of as many traits of a champion as you can within 60 seconds.  Watch Floyd Woodrow's own attempt here and download the PDF instructions to get going.

Show us your 60 second video of Being A Champion on social media using #THFonline2020.

The Outstanding Challenge


To be a champion at Wimbledon requires outstanding performance.  At Compass For Life, we believe outstanding is a habit, not an act.  This challenge is all about building outstanding habits. Watch Floyd Woodrow's own attempt here and download the PDF instructions to get going.

Show us your 60 second video of our Outstanding Habit Challenge on social media using #THFonline2020.